Paper plate apples. Let the kiddos tear up the red, brown and green construction paper then let them glue it on a paper plate! Super easy!! I like to write the words on most of the crafts, the more words they see everyday the better!
Alligator A. This one took a little more work on my part, but I did all the cutting during nap time the day before. Drew a block letter A and cut it out, then made a bunch of white triangles, and a few white and black circles. Let the kids glue everything together.
My day I didn't have a craft planned! We had read Where the Wild Things Are, so when we were done I had them look at the pictures again and draw their own wild thing! I think they are pretty cute!
Our Bible study craft. Genesis 1. Start with a small coffee filter, have the kiddos color all over blue and green. I explained that's what Earth looks like from way up high, because they were confused. We haven't read/watched too much about outer space. I then sprinkle the colored coffee filter with a small amount of water. A spritzer bottle would work great but I didn't have one. Get them wet enough so the colors blend but not too wet so they take forever to dry and most the color is left on the table. While those were drying and the kids napped I traced the coffee filter on black construction paper then cut about 1/2 inch below that line. That way there will be room to glue the earth on. I wrote the verse and stars with white crayon. They put glue around the circle I cut out and then put their earth on. This project is also great to do on Earth Day.
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