Well time to change careers! After a year of subbing I decided I
really enjoy staying home with my kids, so when the opportunity came up to do daycare from home I was ready. I loved teaching 4th grade, I love upper level learning, but right now I need to be home with my kids. So after a couple of days of daycare with a 2 year old, 3 year old, and three 4 year olds, I realized we need some sort of a schedule and organization. Because after a few hours of nonstructured play they always seem to resort to running, chasing, and screaming. With a new baby coming in October we needed to get things together! Or I'm fairly certain I would lose my mind, (if I wasn't getting close enough already). To occupy these kiddos for a while in the morning I am doing preschool. You can't make a teacher quit teaching ;) Then in the afternoon we will have a bible study time. (I love this part of daycare over being a public school teacher, I can freely and openly talk about God with these children and fill their little hearts with his love and truth!!) Anyway, here's my set up and a few ideas I've stolen, then changed a little to make work for me!
The green and blue dry erase/magnetic boards are from Target for $7 each. The calendar was from a teacher supply store. The colors and numbers are from Walmart for $.88. I made the weather page myself on white computer paper.
Our prayer to start our day. Obeying is a huge part of a toddler's life!! And obeying parents, teachers, etc. will help prepare them for a life of obeying God!
What we will try to fit in each morning. Pretty sure we won't get all of it everyday, but this will help keep me on task. I will do preschool Monday-Thursday and then I think Fridays will be our craft day.
A close up of my weather chart. I need to run to the library and get this laminated!
Our practice pages that we'll do everyday. I put the printables in sheet protectors and bought some washable dry erase markers so I wouldn't have to print some may copies. We will work on 1 letter a week. Here are the links to the pages I got from Pinterest.
Handwriting Practice: Names and Sentences
Bible Study Curriculum
Alphabet Practice Printables
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